Our Apartment-Complex, with 8 living-areas, is situated at the village-margin of Nea Potidea. In front of our hotel-complex you can see the green-blue sea in its entire beauty that lies only 50 m away.
We chose this place when our children were still small, mostly because of the flat, sloping sea, with its natural sand-beach which is perfect, especially for non-swimmers. Furthermore, there is hardly any current and only small waves. We are very satisfied, that our guest`s children are as happy as ours had been once.
Our hotel-complex was built in 1995. Beneath a reception, it incorporates a tiny, small supermarket, a playing-ground, a roofed over grill and a comfortable small chair-corner with sea view. Especially for our guests did we establish a lockable parking level. It is possible to rent sun shades and deck-chairs on the beach.
Since 2000 we are a member of the Greek central tourist travel (E.O.T.) and the "Chalkidiki Hotel Union". This means more security for you, because there is an annual check of the complex itself, the rooms and prices. And if you - what we can not imagine - are dissatisfied, you can directly complain about us at E.O.T.